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Temp tracks nr.1-37

Temp tracks no.1-37

Temp tracks Nr.1-37

Temp tracks no.1-37

Wolfgang Mitterer (1958-)

Componist:Wolfgang Mitterer

(bron: wikipedia)

Wolfgang Mitterer (born 6 June 1958 in Lienz, East Tyrol) is an Austrian composer and musician (organ, keyboard).
Wolfgang Mitterer studied with Otto Bruckner in Graz in 1977, and then from 1978 to 1983 at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna he studied organ with Herbert Tachezi and composition with Heinrich Gattermeyer before working for a year at the studio for electroacoustic music (EMS) in Stockholm in 1983. This was followed by scholarships to Rome in 1988 and... meer