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Stukken voor instrumenten [8] nr.1-7, "Petite pièces", 1966

Pieces for instruments [8] no.1-7, "Petite pièces", 1966

Stücke für Instrumente [8] Nr.1-7, "Petite pièces", 1966

Pièces pour instruments [8] no.1-7, "Petite pièces", 1966

Francis Chagrin (1905-1972)

Componist:Francis Chagrin

(bron: wikipedia)

Francis Chagrin (born Alexander Paucker, 15 November 1905 – 10 November 1972),Francis Chagrin at Chester Novello was a composer of film scores and popular orchestral music, as well as a conductor. He was also the "organizer and chief moving spirit" who founded the Society for the Promotion of New Music.
He was born in Bucharest, Romania to Jewish parents and at their insistence studied for an engineering degree in Zurich while secretly studying at that city's... meer