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Arrigo Barnabe

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(bron: wikipedia)

Arrigo Barnabé (born September 14, 1951) is a Brazilian musician and actor. His best-known record is perhaps the critically acclaimed Clara Crocodilo.|title=Biography: Arrigo Barnabé|last= Neder|first=Alvaro|publisher=Allmusic|accessdate=16 April 2010}} "He wrote the highly successful song "Clara Crocodilo" (with Mário Lúcio Cortes)..." "The album [Clara Crocodilo] was awarded...with the APCA (São Paulo's Art Critics' Association) prize."
Barnabé was born in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. His music is best known for having a heavily experimental approach, in which the author uses dodecaphonism and atonalism... meer

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