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    Music of africa from the malinké and the baoulé , Baoulé


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Music of africa from the malinké and the baoulé

Product:1 lp
Object status:
Jouw waardering:
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Gemiddeld:nog geen waarderingen


  • 1
    Music of the malinké
  • 2
    Festival music
  • 3
    Solo for the seron
  • 4
    Hymn of praise
  • 5
    Percussion instruments
  • 6
    Festival of the circumcision
  • 7
    Dance of the hunters
  • 8
    Dance of the woman
  • 9
    Music of the baulé
  • 10
    Invocation, entrance, and dance of the glaou
  • 11
    Duet for flutes
  • 12
    Solo for musical bow
  • 13
    Xylophone solo
  • 14
    Male chorus and harp
  • 15
    Dance of the witch doctor

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