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    Grajcie dudy grajcie basy (polish folk music)


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Grajcie dudy grajcie basy (polish folk music)

    Product:2 lp's
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    Gemiddeld:nog geen waarderingen


    • 1
      Region of mazowsze
    • 2
      Oberek with couplets
    • 3
      The oberek
    • 4
      Oberek with couplets
    • 5
      The polka
    • 6
      Oberek with couplets
    • 7
      Oberek from osmolin
    • 8
      Region of kurpie
    • 9
      Who's making the noise in the larder?
    • 10
      Open the door, don't let us stand here
    • 11
      Mary, don't stand like a pole
    • 12
      I've been in the church
    • 13
      Go, stanley, god speed you
    • 14
      Region of masuria and warmia
    • 15
      Play me a szot
    • 16
      The wolf is here and the goat is out
    • 17
      Our mother catherine has burned father's nose
    • 18
    • 19
      Border of ziemia lubuska and wielkopolska regions
    • 20
      Walking dance
    • 21
      I had a beautiful boy
    • 22
      I was in ihe garden and made three wreaths
    • 23
      The moon is shining and i am happy
    • 24
      If you knew how i love sunday
    • 25
      Hey, boys, where are you coming from
    • 26
      The wisielok dance
    • 27
      The wiwat dance
    • 28
      The round dance with couplet
    • 29
      Region of wielkopolska
    • 30
      The wiwat dance
    • 31
      The polka
    • 32
      The oberek
    • 33
      You need a help, girl, not to stand with boys in the night
    • 34
      Go to the water, geese
    • 35
      On this side of the lake a fish is drinking water
    • 36
      If you don't like my singing
    • 37
      The wiwat dance with couplet
    • 38
      Round and round
    • 39
      Region of kaszuby
    • 40
      Bazuna signals
    • 41
      The koseder
    • 42
      On this side of the lake a girl is drowning
    • 43
      The tabacznik polka
    • 44
      The shepherd
    • 45
      Region of opoczno
    • 46
      I'm digging potatoes and beets
    • 47
      The oberek with couplets
    • 48
      The oberek
    • 49
      The polka
    • 50
      Region of opole silesia
    • 51
      The drake and the gander dances
    • 52
      Walking dance
    • 53
      The march
    • 54
      Silesian beskid highland
    • 55
      Shepherd's tune
    • 56
      Tell me darling
    • 57
      I am longin for my mountains
    • 58
      The linder dance
    • 59
      Crazy polka
    • 60
      Podhale highland
    • 61
      Highlander's tunes
    • 62
    • 63
      Region of bilgoraj
    • 64
      Mammy, don't wake me up in the morning
    • 65
      Something to listen to
    • 66
      The suwany dance
    • 67
      The oberek
    • 68
      The polka
    • 69
      Region of rzeszow
    • 70
      The slow dance
    • 71
      The polka
    • 72
      Walking dance
    • 73
      The tramelka
    • 74
      The suwana polka
    • 75
      The krzyzak dance with couplets
    • 76
      Region of nowy sacz
    • 77
      Walking dance
    • 78
      The krakowiak
    • 79
      The polka
    • 80
      The tramel-polka
    • 81
      Crazy polka
    • 82
      The krakowiak

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